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[Certification]/[FCF] Fortinet Certified Fundamentals

[FCF] Threat Landscape - Module 1 : Quesion&Answer

Module 1: Introduction to Cybersecurity

Q. What are the three principles of information security (InfoSec), also known as the CIA triad? (Choose three.)
Select one or more:

- Incorruptibility
- Confidentiality 
- Integrity 
- Availability 
- Accountability 

Q. Which definition accurately describes information systems security?
Select one:

- The control of physical access to a building or room where sensitive data is stored
- The practice of protecting computer networks, devices, and digital information 
- The protection of information systems against unauthorized access, modification, and so on 
- The management of information systems, including disaster recovery (DR) and high availability (HA) 

Q. In addition to the five categories of cybersecurity, what else do you need to consider when defending the cyber space?
Select one:

- ISO standards
- Executive strategic planning
- People and processes
- Computer code

Q. Which cybersecurity term does one of the letters in AAA stand for?
Select one:

- Acceptability
- Accounting
- Alerts
- Anonymity

Q. What are two categories of cybersecurity? (Choose two.)
Select one or more:

- Building access security 
- Network security 
- Security accreditation for employees 
- Critical infrastructure 

Q. What is one of the first things that you need to do before implementing safeguards to information?
Select one:

- Conduct criminal record checks on all employees.
- Carry out a data integrity check on all sensitive data.
- Determine what information needs to be protected.
- Verify with government regulations if information requires protection.


Q. Which definition accurately describes cybersecurity?
Select one:

- The practice of protecting computer networks, devices, and digital information
- The management of critical infrastructure, such as pipelines and electrical power grids 
- The protection of information systems against unauthorized access, modification, and so on 
- The protection of all information that has been deemed sensitive

Q. Which three principals make up the DAD triad? (Choose three.)
Select one or more:

- Domain spoofing 
- Denial 
- Anonymized data 
- Alteration 
- Disclosure 

Q.Which is the most accurate definition of authentication in cybersecurity?
Select one:

- The act of certifying that someone can perform an action 
- The process of controlling access to resource 
- The act of identifying and verifying a person or thing
- The practice of verifying activities on computer devices 

Q.Which two elements of cybersecurity must be addressed when defending computer networks? (Choose two.)
Select one or more:

- Computer technology vulnerabilities 
- Physical access points 
- Human behavior 
- Information left on desks or in public places 

Q. Which is the most accurate definition of authorization in cybersecurity?
Select one:

- The process of controlling access to resources 
- The act of certifying that someone can perform an action 
- The practice of verifying activities on computer devices
- The act of identifying and verifying a person or thing 

Q. Which two elements of cybersecurity must be addressed when defending computer networks? (Choose two.)
Select one or more:

- Information left on desks or in public places
- Computer technology vulnerabilities 
- Human behavior
- Physical access points 


Q. Which definition accurately describes information security (InfoSec)?
Select one:

- The processes for preventing, detecting, and remediating attacks on sensitive information, both digital and physical
- The management of critical infrastructure, such as pipelines, electrical power grids, and data centers in the cloud
- The practice of protecting computer networks, devices, and digital information, whether on-remises or in the cloud
- The control of physical access to a building or room where sensitive data is stored, either digitally or physically



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