[Certification]/[FCF] Fortinet Certified Fundamentals

[FCF] Cybersecurity 2.0 - Lesson 03 : Sandbox (Quesion&Answer)

starterr 2024. 5. 19. 15:22

Q. What was a benefit of second generation sandbox technology?
Select one:

- Scanning of encrypted data streams
- Automation and artificial intelligence (AI)
- Faster network speeds
- Timely sharing of threat intelligence

Q. Which feature in early networks made aggregating threat intelligence difficult?
Select one:

- Hybrid cloud environments
- Segmentation
- Point solutions
- Virtualization

Q. Which feature characterizes third-generation sandbox technology?
Select one:

- Automation and artificial intelligence
- Faster network speeds
- Streamlines manual testing
- Scanning of encrypted data streams


Q. Which failing characterized early sandbox technology?
Select one:

- Could not stop zero-day attacks
- Failed to categorize malware
- Slowed network traffic
- Lack of integration with other security devices

Q. Within the computer security context, what is a sandbox?
Select one:

- An isolated virtual environment to test suspicious files and hyperlinks
- A segment of the network reserved for testing unknown programs
- A service in the Cloud used to collect and share threat intelligence
- A process used to identify, describe, and categorize malware

Q. Which new development in malware caused sandbox technology to automate and introduce artificial intelligence learning?
Select one:

- Trojan horse
- AI-driven attacks
- Polymorphic viruses
- Ransomware.

Q What is a zero-day attack?
Select one:

- A cyberattack that exploits an unknown software vulnerability
- A new and unknown computer virus
- Malware that converts all data bits to zeros
- A computer virus that receives instructions from a Command and Control server


[FCF] Cybersecurity 2.0 - Lesson 04: WAF(웹 애플리케이션 방화벽)


[FCF] Cybersecurity 2.0 - Lesson 04: WAF(웹 애플리케이션 방화벽)

A. WAF 개요1. WAF의 탄생 배경WAF의 전신은 1990년대 처음 개발된 애플리케이션 방화벽입니다. 주로 네트워크 기반 방화벽이지만 명령줄 컴퓨터 프로그램인 FTP(파일 전송 프로토콜) 및 RSH(원격 셸)과



[FCF] Cybersecurity 2.0 - Lesson 03 : Sandbox(샌드박스)


[FCF] Cybersecurity 2.0 - Lesson 03 : Sandbox(샌드박스)

A. 개요컴퓨터 보안 컨텍스트 내의 샌드박스는 Word 문서 또는 브라우저 열기와 같은 응용 프로그램의 작업을 격리된 가상 환경으로 제한하는 시스템입니다. 이 안전한 가상 환경 내에서 샌드박


